Friday, June 10, 2011

Seattle, WA: Musicquarium Lounge at The Triple Door

There's a spot right in the middle of the second verse of "Out of the Way" where Dave added a nice little tambourine flourish on the studio recording. It's tough for him to re-create live without a third hand, however, but that doesn't stop Brian from staring at him expectantly at that moment every time we play it. So tonight Dave hatched a plan: given the funky, terraced confines of our little corner of The Triple Door's Musicquarium Lounge, he got ready to toss a tambourine down the steps at the perfect moment, hoping for some slinky action as gravity took over. Sadly, it landed in a bag of equipment before it could complete its percussive journey, but fate was with him that night...

We make it a point to play our 'Go'-set--five-or-so high-energy tunes--right when the Mainstage show lets out, a blatant (and often effective) attempt to convince those leaving to stop in for one more and hear us out. The real 'Go' moment of the evening, however, happened when the show across the street adjourned...after we'd already 'Gone.' So we did something we've never done before and played that mini-set twice, which gave Dave another crack at the tumbling tambourine. And it landed in the darn bag again! But, with help from Brian, he gave it one final toss during the third verse, shining brilliantly and catching me rather off-guard.

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